Thursday 1 December 2011

Asas utk setup parental control pada internet router (part 1)

Assalamualaikum semua,
ada permintaan drp rakan2 utk sy ajarkan cara utk setup parental control di rumah bertujuan utk kawal atau hadkan penggunaan internet oleh anak2 kita di rumah. ada bbrp kaedah utk setup parental control pd internet connection di rumah kita. Paling penting kita tau asas dan konsep firewall tersebut.

Asasnya ialah kita blh aktifkan firewall di PC/laptop/tablet di mana internet digunakan. keduanya kita aktifkan firewall di internet gateway yg masuk ke rumah kita... maksudnya gini, kita letak filter utk internet di laluan utama yg masuk ke rumah kita... semestinya di internet router atau modem router kan? jadi, kalo kita dh sekat di pintu utama maka tak kisah lah sama ada PC/laptop kita nak kawal ataupun tidak... setuju kan?

Disclaimer : sy ni bukannya terer sgt bab2 ni ttp sy cuma 'pandai' drp belajar sendiri sbb ada keperluan dan pengalaman hanya dgn kaedah cuba2... jadi, tulisan sy ini lbh kpd nak kongsi apa yg sy faham. ada kemungkinan ia tidak tepat dan perlu diperbetulkan dari masa ke semasa... hehehe

tulisan blog ini sy tulis khas kpd rakan2 dan sesiapa yg ingin tau secara asas setup firewall pada internet router. Dgn kata mudah, tulisan ini khusus kpd rakan2 yg zero knowledge mengenai firewall ttp ada keperluan utk menggunakannya... sy TIDAK akan tulis secara terlalu teknikal... matlamat sy ialah supaya anda dpt faham langkah2 paling asas utk 'masuk' kpd setup page di router masing2...

tips: sebenarnya video utk tutorial byk sgt dlm youtube... cari jer... hehehe

anda perlu tau yg internet router anda blh di access hanya dgn menggunakan browser (IE, firefox dll).. so senang je kan?

maksudnya, dlm keadaan internet connection yg biasa (online) sama ada anda sedang guna LAN kabel maupun wireless (wifi)...anda perlu bukak internet browser dan masukkan address (IP address) di tempat url address.

mana nak cari IP address utk access ke internet router kita? cuba tgk di manual router kita tu... mesti ada punya... cuba taip atau atau atau atau atau 192.168.2.... ini cth2 common IP address utk masuk ke internet router kita... apa pun tgk jenis dan model... anda perlu tgk pd manual... habis cerita.. hehe

dpt masuk? anda berjaya masuk utk access internet router anda jika terpampang page router anda (nnt sy bagikan cth screen shot). anda perlu masukkan login dan password... ini semua ada pd manual...

bila dah berjaya masuk, anda explore lah router anda tu, jangan takut utk masuk ke mana2 menu atau sub-page.... carilah parental control setup... mesti ada punya... godek2 lah... ia sgt user friendly tk kira anda org IT ataupun tidak..

hhmm... sy akan sambung di bahagian kedua... tunggu...

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Alhamdullilah, we finally managed to complete module management infomation system (MIS750).. It was an enjoyable class ever in MBA so far... thank you very much Prof. Madya Dr Zaidi... I hope I can score this subject... heehe.

hhmmm... as I promised to myself, I will continue blogging any topics that I interested to write and share here... c u soon...

Friday 18 November 2011

TV is smarter now...

First time I know about smart TV when I was driving to MBA class and saw a big billboard on NKVE. Along the way driving my mind keep thinking about it and I promise to myself that I need to Google further about it as I think it is time for me to change my 21- inch-11-years old 'box' Sony TV... It is nothing wrong with my 'box' TV, I just thinking to upgrade it into something interactive and interesting entertainment for my family.

What does smart TV means?

HHmmm... I don't want to write definition of internet TV or smart TV here because I believe all of us are good enough to search it the internet. Here something that I found easy for us to understand: "Like a smartphone, a smart TV offers a number of "Internet-connected services" that normal televisions can't offer. It has the equivalent of a computer built into it, giving you a greater number of services. These televisions offer apps, media streaming, Web browsing, games and, perhaps most importantly, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). IPTV is a specific Internet video standard, but is also used nowadays as shorthand for any video streamed via the Internet to your TV. It can take the form of short clips or continuous "live" channels". (source: CNET ASIA).

The term "Smart TV" was first coined by Samsung and was subsequently adopted by LG and Philips. However, there's no industry-wide categorization with other TV makers, such as Sony, which is marketing similar panels as Internet TVs instead. In this blog, the term "smart TV" is used generically to refer to TVs with Internet-enabled capabilities. (Quote from: Ty Pendelbury on CNET Asia)

What I want to share here is the findings that meeting my interest of what I wanted to know about a smart TV. There are many smart TV's brands available in the market now. After browsing through the internet, I found out that Samsung Smart TV is the most I preferred to own it soon. In brief, I discover a new world of web-connected TV entertainment with Samsung Smart TV; Samsung Smart TVs allow me to easily search for movies, TV shows, browse the web, explore Samsung apps, chat with friends and find many other types of new interactive TV content.

To make this posting is not boring and flat with only one reading tone, I share videos that I found in YouTube that reviewing and explaining functions and applications that we can get from Samsung Smart TV. Below are the reasons why I choose Samsung Smart TV as my 'future' TV... hehehe

 a. I can view my video on the Smart TV that I uploaded in the Cloud (web server) or from my hard-disk storage that I connect and share through home WLAN or LAN or can use USB Wi-Fi adapter . Below video shows How to use 'Your Video' function on the Samsung Smart TV.

b. Similar with apps on smartphones or tablets that using androids platform, I can use, install any apps on Samsung Smart TV that compatible with Android platform e.g games, social networks, news, portals and etc.

c. I can show and share all medias wirelessly that i keep in my other devices for instance video camera, laptops, smartphones, tablets to Samsung Smart TV. It can bridge them whether using built-in Wi-Fi or USB cable or HDMI cables.

d. Similar like PC or tablet, I can use Samsung Smart TV for web browsing. I think I don't have to explain what the meaning of web browsing here... hehehe.. The best part is I can browsing the net while watching my favourite channel and TV will suggest any web site or video available in the net which related channel/movie/video that I currently watching.

e. I can watch movies, TV shows, videos and photos in full HD experience and 3D visual plus with 3D surround sound.

f. Facebook and twitter (in fact similar for other social networks)no more only can be accessed using smartphones and laptop. Take an example I am watching a live football telecast on TV and I update my Facebook status and share what I feel about the match in Facebook using my tablets. But with Samsung Smart TV, I can interactively updates status on Facebook or twitter on the same TV screen while watching football match using the Social TV... It's really amazing.

g. Remote TV for Samsung Smart TV can be from any smartphones or tablet that using android platform. At home, I just simply can use my smartphone or tablet as TV remote control. Cool rite? hehe

h. Nowadays, free VoIP service using Skype is nothing new for us when accessing it using PC or tablet or smartphones. Thus, Apps Skype in Samsung Smart TV allows me to make voice or video call on a big screen.

Well... What do you think? Does it worth for money to buy a Samsung Smart TV? I think when I buy it I will unsubscribe some of monopoly pay ASTRO TV channels which is expensive and something make us regret with its service and quality.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Reason why should we buy tablet PC.

Unlike mobile phones or smartphones, tablet PC just with us in the market since the last 18 months. I think most of us know who creates this product... Steve Jobs ! He invented a product called ipad that can fulfill a gap needs for internet browsing without using PC and smartphones. Subsequently, other IT gadget companies started to invent their own tablet PC e.g. Samsung Galaxy Tab, LG Optimus Pad and etc. Wait ! I am here not going to tell a story about Steve Jobs, ipad nor other specific tablet PC brands here... What I would like to share this time in blog posting is who should use the tablet PC?, What kind of IT applications or internet usage most appropriate can be used tablets PC.

Welcome to the age of the tablet ! Let's watch this video (credits to the video uploader).

So, after made some browsing in internet about tablet PC, read reviews, and read articles... Below I listed the reasons to buy a tablet…

1. Tablets make great e-readers.
Although many would complain that the reading experience isn’t nearly as focused as single-purpose e-ink devices, and the text isn’t as legible, these drawbacks haven’t stopped users from cracking open PDFs, comics, long web articles, and so on tablets. Plus kids books are fun in full color, something Kindle can’t yet beat.

2. Tablets are portable productivity stations.
There’s nothing like a calendar and an email window on a big screen. Although many of our phones now run PIM applications, the real estate afforded by a tablet makes for a far superior experience.

3. Tablets are better than older laptops.
If we don’t need to type a lot, tablets will handle more content than a two-year-old laptop, and there are more modern apps and games.

4. Tablets are great for meetings.
While we should probably paying attention during meetings, tablets are a great way to take notes unobtrusively and, when things get boring, play Angry Birds on mute.

5. Tablets are great for sharing photos and 1-on-1 presentations.
Tablets are excellent for a communal photo sharing experience and are a boon for insurance adjusters, real estate folks, and salespeople. Having everything in front of us in cool little device sure beats firing up a laptop and running a presentation.

6. Tablets are great for movies and music.
There’s nothing better in the car for kids than a copy of Cars or Dora on an iPad. Our kids love it and a tablet costs a bit less than installing soon-to-be-obsolete DVD-powered LCDs in the headrest. I also enjoy taking the iPad on a plane for movies, in bus, while waiting someone and etc.

7. Tablets are cheaper than a new laptop.
If our old coffee table laptop died and you’re thinking about a new netbook. Don’t bother. Tablets are on par or more powerful than a standard laptop.

8. Tablets don’t crash.
Or at least when they do crash it’s not a big deal. A quick restart is is all it takes to get them back on track.

9. Tablets are good for travel.
Tablets usually work with Wi-Fi and 3G networks and the large screen and storage space is great for maps, guides, and dictionaries. 

10. Tablets are just cool.
They make you feel like you’re from the future. We can use it and a TV controller and beyond that !

So, what do you think? let's get it one for you... Actually, I already got an Ipad and I am looking to get another tablet... Personally I prefer Tablet PC that using Android platform... I got reasons why I want to buy android's tablet but I dont want to share in this posting... hehehe

Saturday 12 November 2011

Can I have mobile phone line and fixed line on a same device?

Normally people who work at a company have their own direct phone line on their desk to make phone call whether for internal or external call. Telecommunication for voices thru' PSTN phone number (PBX or PABX system) between client and employee of the company is very common for us nowadays. But what happen if a person is away from his desk? Cant his/her client reach her/him instantly? Can we imagine that a phone call from a client to a employee (in the company) maybe worth a lot of money e.g to finalise contract deals and etc? Can the company loose their business opportunity because of the client can not reach to the company's corespondent at the right time?

Based on the above problem the organization or company overcome this problem providing company's mobile phone line to its employees so that its employees can be reach when they outside the company compound. We can see most of marketing or sales persons got company's mobile phone for business call outside the office but when they are at their work station they use PBX phone or IP phone.

Now, imagine we have a device i.e. mobile phone that have both lines. When the user in the company wireless network a phone will be automatically routed to the PBX line or fixed line. And the user outside company wireless area, any incoming call or outgoing call will be automatically routed to the GSM network (mobile phone network).... Amazing rite?

Let's watch a video that I attached.

This service or facility is called Fixed Mobile Convergence. So, what the main benefit if we have this technology? Firstly is an employee can always get reachable at anytime using only SINGLE phone number. The system knows how route a phone call to which network to be used. Secondly, company can save cost.

The FMC technology is not only limited to the voice call only... It also has features for SMS, email, intranet access. With FMC, we dont have to go back to PC to check emails or any important note from intranet or portal. Employee can access email anytime anywhere...

Before I end this posting, let's watch another video.. I promise a short one...

SoLo Mobile Solution by SoSoftware Fixed-Mobile Convergence GSM from Claudia Faltys on Vimeo.

Hhmm... FMC is not a latest ICT technology and have been available in the market but I think it is still new in Malaysia... To my knowledge I have never seen FMC is used in Malaysia but I believe we have it.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Siri ?

What the first thing come across in your mind when you heard or see a word SIRI? For me, the first time I heard it I asked myself was it an English word? I only know about 'drama berSIRI'or a word that got similar meaning with the word 'version'... hehe.

Even though I am yet to become one of the iphone users but I am admit that I follow the iphone progress and development very much. Why I don't use iphone if I am a big fan of iphone? The answer simply because I already got my Nokia 97 which running on Symbians OS (operating system) and bought before iphone was introduced. So unlucky, huh ! Actually, the most important reason I dont give up my N97 because it is my birthday gift !

Hey ! Why suddently I wrote about iphone while I just started this posting about SIRI? can u guess?

I am neither an IT expert nor so a software engineer but I can tell to people if they want to know about iphone and iOS. I believe most of us aware about the latest Apple's product i.e. iphone 4S. It is too bad for us in Malaysia because it is still not available. I am not going to elaborate details on the device itself because Apple does not pay me any money for that.... hahahaha... What I am interested to share here is one feature which is a kind of new breakthrough technology that iphone 4S can do and it is really works. Here, I will share in a brief how does Siri works and interact with us. Thus, I picked some good video that i found in Youtube showing about Siri... Enjoy it..

Firstly, let's watch the official video about Siri from apple  to get an idea of what I am trying to talk about the Siri. What do you think? Does it looks like a science fiction? Similar like the captain Picard of USS Enterprise give an order to his ship in the Star Trek movie. Initially, my thought about kind of technology is ridiculous and impossible. Does Siri really capture each words what u say? How they built a program that can translate a voice into scripts or command that Siri can understand and response on it? It's amazing !

Well, now let's watch the actual video from users who made review when they actually use the Siri. I purposely took Siri's review done by common people and not the IT expert. This is because the reviews expose us feedback and point of view from common people like us as users.

 Here another video...

Last but not the least...

So, what do you think? Like it or not? hhhmm... personally I cant wait iphone 4S to come to Malaysia... Prior to that, of course Apple need to further develop the Siri so that it can 'understand' other languages and can spell other words (instead of American English only)....hehehe.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The cloud in the net?

Well... I think I want to start writing an article for in this blog about cloud computing. Why I choose this topic? These words become so popular in many IT's web news, magazine and etc. I bet almost all of iphone users ever have heard about iCloud but they do not know it is really meant. Do we really understand what is cloud computing is all about? Does it a kind of hardware? applications on smartphone ? Well this blog I will share what I understand about cloud computing after have done some research and reading thru' the net and an academic paper research (chewahhhh...). I promise I am not going to write about it in so much technical or a rocket science words here... I will explain to those who like to read this blog in a very simple words so that people like us can understand. Good luck !.

This topic triggered me an interest recently when I first heard (read about it) it through my ipad apps i.e. Flipboard ( ). At that time I just read it at glance on the highlight and never bother the details of all about. For me, it is just another insignificant news about new apps available for ipad or iphone user.
Later, in MIS (management information system) MBA's class, cloud computing became words of the day after Dayah first time said intentionally about it in the class. I would say almost everybody in the class asking themselves what is cloud computing. Same happened to me, these two words keep bugging in my mind but I just cant explain to myself what it is really meant.

Thus, before I proceed, let watch this video (source:; credit to the uploader.

I think it is better to explain cloud computing by answering question. Let's use 5W1H method and in simple words.

1.What is cloud computing?
  • Whether we realise or not, we have already used some form of cloud computing. Most of us nowadays have at least an e-mail account with a Web-based e-mail service like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, then we have had some experience with cloud computing. Instead of running an e-mail program on our computer which we need to install a software, we log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for our account doesn't exist on your computer -- it's on the service's computer cloud.
    2.What the concept and principles of cloud computing?
    • Cloud computing provides computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services. Parallel to this concept can be drawn with the electricity grid, wherein end-users consume power without needing to understand the component devices or infrastructure required to provide the service.(source:
    • Clients would be able to access their applications and data from anywhere at any time. They could access the cloud computing system using any computer linked to the Internet. Data wouldn't be confined to a hard drive on one user's computer or even a corporation's internal network
    • These services are broadly divided into three categories: 
      • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
        • SaaS refers to software that is delivered over the Internet as a service on demand. It is the application layer of the cloud. SaaS differs from the traditional method of purchasing software on CD-ROM or downloadable file to be installed locally on the user's computer. SaaS vendors develop and operate software applications for customers to use, but the software is usually run all or in part on the vendor’s hardware – a cloud hosted environment. It is a new software distribution model, one that is inevitably the way all software will be delivered in the future. Sales Force is a prime example of a SaaS offering.
        • Example: Flickr, Facebook, Gmail
      • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 
        • PaaS (also called cloud platform services) is a computing platform and/or solution stack that consumes cloud resources and sustains cloud applications. It is used by developers for the deployment of applications without the cost and complexity of buying and operating the underlying layers that support it. It is an ideal solution for programmers who traditionally have to purchase their own hardware and software to develop, test, and host their applications. PaaS abstracts the infrastructure layer from applications and simplifies collaboration by offering a unified user interface where tracking and testing can be done collectively by the members of the development team. Google AppEngine is one of the most well known PaaS services.  
        •  Example: Google AppEngine,, Engine Yard, Java
      • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
        • With IaaS, a company’s computing requirements are provided by an outside vendor thereby lowering the company’s CapEx (that is, the money it would have spent purchasing servers, networking equipment, and software) and OpEx (money spent on data center space, maintenance, and management). IaaS makes it possible for startups and small businesses to access IT without upfront investment. It allows a company run more effectively requiring less administration while offering higher levels of performance and reliability. With Winky’s IaaS, IT infrastructure is created inside our state-of-the-art One Wilshire data center where it is hosted on redundant, top of the line equipment and connected to Tier-1 providers. With instant access to cloud resources, it is simply a better way of delivering IT.
        • Example: Winky networks
    3.How it will benefit us?

  • It could bring hardware costs down. 

  • Cloud computing systems would reduce the need for advanced hardware on the client side. We wouldn't need to buy the fastest computer with the most memory, because the cloud system would take care of those needs for us. Instead, we could buy an inexpensive computer terminal. The terminal could include a monitor, input devices like a keyboard and mouse and just enough processing power to run the middleware necessary to connect to the cloud system. 

  • We wouldn't need a large hard drive because we'd store all our information on a remote computer. In simple words, cloud computing benefit us in terms of less infrastructure costs, maintanance cost, utility cost and of course electricity cost.

  • 4. What is main concern in cloud computing?
    • The biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy
    • There are issues being discussed on how reliable the cloud computing service provider in protecting their clients data.

    I think I should put a stop here as this writing already long enough to read... hehehe... I am very happy to share further with you guys about this topic depends on your response and feedback. Perhaps, there will another episode of explaination in this blog to further elaborate about cloud computing... Thank you.

    Friday 4 November 2011

    With the name of Allah swt, I start my blog page with zero knowledge about blogging. All I know about internet blog is a kind of journal that people can express and write anything what they like. As for myself, what should I write here? I am afraid I don't have a lot of leisure time to sit in front of computer to do all the blogging thingy... arrgghh...

    Nevertheless, I better think positively about blogging... Who knows some day I can earn some pocket money by just put some expression what i feel or what i think... hahahaha
    Well, to get started, allow me to explore what can I learn and what can I do with this stuff. 1st of all, let me settle it about the basic layout and what should I put on my blog page... tungguuu.... !

    see you soon... hehe